Käyttäjän työkalut

Sivuston työkalut

1.8.2024 Ypäjä / CAN CAI2* / FIN Drivers info

Information, lists of HI, stable lists etc. will be updated to http://www.valjakko.net

Hevosopisto / showground area: Map (in the end of this document)

Wifi: GUEST / password: hevosopisto

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CAI & National Competition

Thursday 1.8. CAI

13:30 - Horse inspection (indoor arena next to the stables), schedule will be published later (info also at WhatsApp)

16.00 - 19.30 CAI and National championship -classes at Juhlakenttä

Friday 2.8 National & Regional Classes

Course designer info about marathon after dressage classes, time will be informed at WA

Saturday 3.8. Marathons starting 10:00

Schedule will be published later

Cones track open on saturday evening, time will be informed at WA

Evening Party for everyone: Dinner 28,00eur - please buy a ticket from the Ajomestari cafeteria

Sunday 4.8. Cones starting 9:30

Show office

  • Show office will be open in Ajomestari at the show ground, opens 1 hour before the first start of the day and closes 0,5 hour after the last
  • Drivers get their protocols / results from the show office
  • Tel: +358 40 356 39 83 (only during the competition)
    +358 44 493 7656 (show secretary)


  • Reception is located in downstairs of Opistohall. Open daily ,
    • Wed - Fri 9:00 - 16:00
    • Sat: 8:00 - 14:00
  • Reservations and payments of accommodation, extra nights of horses, tack boxes, electricity
  • It’s possible to pay following items to reception:
    • EADCMP: 19€ per horse
    • Manure disposal fee: 25€ per horse (Finnish riders have paid already with meeting fee)
    • Hay: 25€ / Prohay-bale or 15e / bale, Shavings: 16€ / bale
  • Tel: +358 2 760 21

Prize giving ceremonies

  • Dressage and marathon, at Saturday evening party
  • Cones, sunday

Prize money & prizes in kind

  • For the payment of the prize money (Nordic Driving Challenge and national classes) it is very important to leave account information, you can fill a form; Prize information - PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU FILL EVERY DETAIL!
  • For Finnish drivers all prize money will be paid via KIPA-system
  • Prizes in kind are available from the show office during the show

Starting Lists & Results

  • Starting lists and results will be updated online on http://www.valjakko.net
  • Starting lists will be published daily before the competition, at latest 21:00.
  • Thursdays starting lists will be published after HI

Stables, accreditation and parking

Stable 4 (map 33)

  • GPS: 60.48276, 23.19057
  • Map of Ypäjä Equine College and Training Center Area in the end of this page
  • A list of CAI horses can be found from the stable
  • A list of horse ID numbers (competition numbers) will be published here.
  • It’s possible to buy hay & shavings from the stables, hay; 25€/Prohay-bale or 15€/bale, shavings 16€/bale. Payment to the reception.
  • There are tack rooms available at the stable and it’s advisable to use them so that the horses have free access to the corridors.
  • There will be assigned places for the own freezers at the stable. It’s forbidden to place a freezer or other electrical devices anywhere else due to fire safety!

Check of arrival

  • According FEI rules, all horses need to be checked at arrival and is not allowed to unload before cleared from the veterinary or veterinary assistant after check. The place of checking is at the parking place of Ypäjän Hevossairaala. Please have a thermometer and FEI app ready for the check.
  • There will be road signs from “Varsanojantie”
  • Horses may only arrive:
    • Wed: 16:00-18:00 PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL ARRIVE ON WED! (oona.pekkala@hevosopisto.fi)
    • Thu: 8:00-11:00
  • Address of check of arrival: Siittolanmäentie 6, 32100 Ypäjä
  • GPS cordinates: 60,803913, 23,304049
  • The place of arrival check is on the way, approx. 500m from the stables.
  • Treating vet: Anne Sjöholm & Kiia Isotalo +358 40 046 11 22
  • Vet delegate: Terttu Katila-Yrjänä


  • Parking of the lorries and trailers is located 100-500m from the stables. Stable personal / reception will guide you to find the right parking place.
  • You can reserve electricity in advance; reception@hevosopisto.fi

Horse Inspections (HI) for CAI & Finnish Championships horses

  • Take your horse's passport to HI.
  • Horse passports of CAI horses will be stored in the show office during the competition and are given back to the riders from the show office after their last competition. Horses competing only in Finnish Championships will get their passports back immediately.
  • Order of all HI will be as follows;
    • Participating countries; 1. Estonia, 2. Finland, 3. Norway
  • HI will be in the riding hall ”Ypäjä-hall”, and a waiting area is reserved.
  • Thursday 1st August at 13:30-14:00 according to the HI list (published later)


  • Treating veterinarian is available 24h / day from Wednesday 31st August 16:00 to Sunday 4th August 18:00.
  • Tel: +358 40 046 11 22

First Aid

  • First-aid is available at the show ground daily, please ask from the show office
  • Saturday (marathons) Anu Poso +358 407392621


  • Farrier is available at the show ground daily, until the last prize-giving.
  • Wed - Sun, tel +358 / Sofia Heikkonen

Riding, lunging & driving on the area

Stable arena, ”Ypäjä-hall” for riding and lunging

  • 25 x 100m, located connected with the stable
  • Please clean up after your horse, there is manure buckets and forks.
  • For the safety reasons;
    • dogs must be in a leash at all times, and please do not take dogs to the riding arenas
  • Chief steward Tiiu Vorne +358 40 5296 110
  • Stable arena (Ypäjä-hall) is open on Thursday before the vet chek 11:00-13:00.

Warm up area “Keskikenttä” for riding, lunging and driving

  • Open already from Wednesday, Wed 17:00-20:00. When the competition is on it is mainly for warm up, opens 1 hour before the first start daily.

Warm up area “Derbyverkka”

  • Warm up area for the Sunday


Reception at the Opisto-hall

  • Coffee, soft drinks and some sandwiches etc.

Students Restaurant (map nr. 5)

  • Open daily;
    • Breakfast 7:00-9:00, Sat-Sun 6:30-10:00
    • Lunch 11:00-13:00

Ajomestari at the show venue

  • Thu 15:00-18:00
  • Fri 9:00-16:00
  • Sat 10:00-17:00
  • Sun 9.00-15.30
  • Coffee, soft drinks, sandwiches, sweet pastry, some lunch

Pub Karrinpuomi - in the centre of Ypäjä village

  • Wed-Thu 14:00-21:00, Fri-Sat 14:00-23:00
  • pub food, pizzas, salads, hot wings etc.
  • tel: +358 2 767 31 42

Ypäjän Kebab & Pizza - in the centre of Ypäjä village

  • Wed-Fri 10:00-21:00
  • Sat-Sun 11:00-21:00
  • tel: +358 2 767 33 06

No smoking

  • Smoking is allowed only outside of the Equine College area.

Important phone numbers

Event DirectorVirpi Tunninen+358 44 7077366
President of GJ / CAIKati Honkanen+358 40 731 2034
Presiden of GJ / NatAnn-Katrin Finell+358 44 059 8173
Chief StewardTiiu Vorne +358 40 5296 110
Show Office +358 40 35 63 983
Show SecretaryOona Pekkala +358 44 4937656
StablemanagerSatu Peltomäki+358 44 73 66 676
Stable 4 +358 44 794 51 55
Vet. treatingAnne Sjöholm+358 40 046 11 22
Vet. delegateTerttu Katila-Yrjänä
FarrierSofia Heikkonen+358 40 867 2400
First AidPirkko Herd +358 40 681 5877
Anu Poso (Sat)+35840 739 2621
Reception +358 2 760 21
Janitor 24/7+358 40 860 76 21 (50eur fee)
Press officerIida Hakanen+358 40 626 28 99
First aid outside of the competition112
Address: Show venue: Varsanojantie 181, 32100 Ypäjä
Stable 4: Varsanojantie 203, 32100 Ypäjä

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