
1.8.2024 Ypäjä / CAN CAI2* / FIN Drivers info

Information, lists of HI, stable lists etc. will be updated to

Hevosopisto / showground area: Map (in the end of this document)

Wifi: GUEST / password: hevosopisto

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CAI & National Competition

Thursday 1.8. CAI

13:30 - Horse inspection (indoor arena next to the stables), schedule will be published later (info also at WhatsApp)

16.00 - 19.30 CAI and National championship -classes at Juhlakenttä

Friday 2.8 National & Regional Classes

Course designer info about marathon after dressage classes, time will be informed at WA

Saturday 3.8. Marathons starting 10:00

Schedule will be published later

Cones track open on saturday evening, time will be informed at WA

Evening Party for everyone: Dinner 28,00eur - please buy a ticket from the Ajomestari cafeteria

Sunday 4.8. Cones starting 9:30

Show office


Prize giving ceremonies

Prize money & prizes in kind

Starting Lists & Results

Stables, accreditation and parking

Stable 4 (map 33)

Check of arrival


Horse Inspections (HI) for CAI & Finnish Championships horses


First Aid


Riding, lunging & driving on the area

Stable arena, ”Ypäjä-hall” for riding and lunging

Warm up area “Keskikenttä” for riding, lunging and driving

Warm up area “Derbyverkka”


Reception at the Opisto-hall

Students Restaurant (map nr. 5)

Ajomestari at the show venue

Pub Karrinpuomi - in the centre of Ypäjä village

Ypäjän Kebab & Pizza - in the centre of Ypäjä village

No smoking

Important phone numbers

Event DirectorVirpi Tunninen+358 44 7077366
President of GJ / CAIKati Honkanen+358 40 731 2034
Presiden of GJ / NatAnn-Katrin Finell+358 44 059 8173
Chief StewardTiiu Vorne +358 40 5296 110
Show Office +358 40 35 63 983
Show SecretaryOona Pekkala +358 44 4937656
StablemanagerSatu Peltomäki+358 44 73 66 676
Stable 4 +358 44 794 51 55
Vet. treatingAnne Sjöholm+358 40 046 11 22
Vet. delegateTerttu Katila-Yrjänä
FarrierSofia Heikkonen+358 40 867 2400
First AidPirkko Herd +358 40 681 5877
Anu Poso (Sat)+35840 739 2621
Reception +358 2 760 21
Janitor 24/7+358 40 860 76 21 (50eur fee)
Press officerIida Hakanen+358 40 626 28 99
First aid outside of the competition112
Address: Show venue: Varsanojantie 181, 32100 Ypäjä
Stable 4: Varsanojantie 203, 32100 Ypäjä

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